A4A’s new film on The Mother as an artist now exists in French and in English!

In 1992, the Ashram published the definitive book of The Mother’s paintings, sketches, and drawings. Now her artwork is available as a film in French version, as well as in English, along with the background to her creative periods in France, Algeria, Japan, & the Ashram. “La Mère – une artiste” and “The Mother – an artist and artistic influence” – by “AuroImage” to support the A4A campaign for Auroville’s still-missing land.

The Mother’s Flower Messages for Auroville

The Mother created a lexicon for the spiritual messages of hundreds of trees and flowers. Hibiscus is identified with power, and to 14 varieties of Hibiscus she gave the double name of “New Creation” and “Auroville”. For Auroville’s role as pioneer of the New Creation, Power is an essential quality – for as Sri Aurobindo wrote, power is the strength “to face all that can happen … to carry out what the Divine Will proposes”. One Auroville flower isn’t a Hibiscus – it’s the flower named “MIRACLE”. You can see the flowers here.

A new film: “The Mother – an Artist & Artistic Influence”

This 20-minute film with music traces The Mother’s life and work as an artist, from her youth in Paris, through her stays in Algeria and Japan, to her life in Pondicherry. It presents her paintings, sketches, and drawings from these periods, and works by the Ashramites she mentored, including Huta, who painted the work The Mother named “Spirit of Auroville”.


August 15th holds a distinctive place in human history. On this date, Sri Aurobindo took birth 146 years ago and 75 years later, India attained her freedom on the same date. And it is India that hosts Auroville and its role of pioneer in opening the collective consciousness to the truer consciousness. The Mother wrote that “Spiritual beauty has a contagious power”. As Auroville grows and manifests, a higher beauty will surely spread – through the spiritual power at work behind the City of Dawn.


Auroville is not just any place on the planet – it is a consecrated space for the growth of a truer consciousness. For 50 years, starting with barren soil, Auroville has created beauty where before there was none. Much of Auroville’s designated land – the material base for this work and beauty – is missing and at risk of being bought and used for private profit. The future of many missing plots is now up to us – together, we can make a difference!

“AUROVILLE” – Poem by Loretta

During this year’s Art for Land’s closing ceremony, Aurovilian Loretta recited her poem “Auroville” that she wrote in 1972 at the Matrimandir Worker’s Camp. It is a moving reminder of the courage, work & aspiration of Auroville’s pioneers, and here it is in 7 languages!

Views of the new Auroville land – all thanks to your generosity!

This is new Auroville Land BECAUSE of Your Generosity! In this landmark month of Auroville’s 50th Anniversary, we are pleased to share the results of your generosity. To date, donations from the Auroville worldwide family have funded the addition of 46 plots of new Auroville land the past three years – 42 acres, making 17 […]

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