A4A FLIER – 24 November 2020

November 24th 1926 – Sri Aurobindo’s “Siddhi (Realization) Day” – became the paving stone for Auroville’s creation 42 years later. The Mother described Auroville as “an attempt to achieve on earth a slightly more ideal life”. And she said, “Now is the time, it has to be done”. Version française en pdf … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு

LFAU LETTER – 24 November 2020

Auroville has always put an emphasis on a health-inducing environment, treatments and healing – traditional, conventional, and holistic – in line with The Mother’s advice that a way to progress, is to “constantly enrich the possibilities … and ceaselessly perfect” the functioning of our physical instrument.” Version française en pdf … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு

New land purchases – all thanks to your solidarity !

Your solidarity is bringing continued results! Since August 15th, 6 new Greenbelt plots have joined Auroville’s consolidated base – and all of their 6.47 acres have been purchased thanks to your solidarity to A4A and LFAU ! You can see some of the new land here.

New book and new solidarity – “Auroville 80” by Nadia Loury

We are happy to announce a new photo book “Auroville 80” by Nadia Loury. the fruit of her experience as a photographer living in Auroville in the ‘80s. Nadia shares the history behind this photo testimonial to a founding period, and we include Auroville Today’s beautiful review. Profits go to Acres for Auroville for the land – and don’t miss the special offer for Christmas 2020! +++++++++
Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer la parution d’un livre de photographies “Auroville 80” de Nadia Loury, le fruit de son travail photographique quand elle vivait à Auroville dans les années 80. Nadia partage la poésie et l’histoire de cette période fondatrice, comme le relate la belle critique d’Auroville Today que nous vous incluons. Les bénéfices des ventes seront reversés à Acres pour Auroville, et surtout… ne ratez pas l’offre spéciale pour Noël 2020 ! Voir le pdf en français en haut de l’article.

Dr. Karan Singh and his three decades of service to The City of Dawn

Karan Singh has been doing his best to direct the course of “the arrow shot into the future” – the appropriate and beautiful analogy he used to describe Auroville in the Indian Parliament while making a strong case for the Government’s collaboration for Auroville during those critical times. Here is a personal view by Aryadeep S. Acharya, with Ireno Guerci’s photo of Karan Singh.

Zech – A Skilled and Inspiring Newcomer from Hong-Kong

Auroville’s international mix includes people from everywhere who bring their diverse backgrounds to the collective aspiration. We are pleased to present this sharing from Zech, a newcomer from Hong Kong and the Phillipines, who comes with a variety of professional skills, and who inspires us with his writings about the yogic path.

Art for Land

Art for Land is now starting its 6th year of sharing Auroville’s great artistic talent and bringing solidarity for Auroville’s land via A4A. With the support of AV Art Service, the enlarged Art for Land team is full of dynamism, skills, and fresh ideas – plus the new AFL Boutique at Unity Pavilion is opening soon. Read what’s in the pipeline for 2021!

Inspiring quotes from Sri Aurobindo & The Mother

Here is a selection of words of inspiration about a variety of issues we are all facing in these challenging times – walking the path, what we should tell children, the body’s inner resources, and finding inspiration within ourselves. As always, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother’s words are illuminating and deeply nourishing.


As we step into A4A’s 7th year of collective unity and dynamism, we share land news and acts of solidarity, inspired by The Mother’s words for the «Success of Auroville » flower: « Power of Success – the power of those who know how to continue their efforts» | Tamil: 2020 ஆகஸ்டு ஏக்கர்ஸ் ஃபார் ஆரோவில் | French: A4A Rapport Trimestriel – 15.8.20


We were much younger when the momentous 1968 event of the Inauguration of Auroville took place. Those who were there were deeply marked by the event and over the past 52 years, so many of us have helped Auroville grow, supporting The Mother’s great vision of the City of Dawn and the goal of implanting “the consciousness of the One” in the soil of the Earth. (English, French, and Tamil versions)

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