The task before the first Aurovilians was to reclaim the eroded land and plant the seeds of the future. In the endless progression of Auroville, we are all pioneers continuing the adventure!
“Auroville will be the site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual Human Unity”. The City of Dawn’s high aspiration incarnates the deep sense of what we can live and be.
The City of Dawn’s new pioneers keep coming each year! Rakhal is one of the “oldtimers” who co-facilitates the “Yucca Program” Initiation Week. Rakhal shares his experience of welcoming Auroville’s newcomers.
On February 21st, Auroville’s Land Board registered two new plots of Greenbelt land, creating greater consolidation and more farmland for the City of Dawn!
Here’s a compilation of the Mother’s inspiring April messages (1950 – 1973) honoring the significant events that were the founding basis for the creation of Auroville.
“Soon after arriving at the Ashram in 1968, I cycled into the countryside to see the internationally- heralded city of Auroville, founded on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. At the site, however, the only evidence of the planned development was a white marble urn emerging from an empty red plain.”
In February 2019, the special 50th anniversary year came to a happy close and Auroville’s 51st year began! We celebrate this landmark transition with a positive news round-up celebrating courage and vision.
“To walk on the path you must have a dauntless intrepidity…” A compilation of The Mother’s February messages from 1961 to 1973, with many of them treating the theme of courage.
“I remember the Auroville land offered to us in 1972 to begin a handicraft training center for local Tamil villagers near Kuilapalayam. The Mother named it Fraternity”
Long-time Aurovilian Paulette has been photographing the Matrimandir disk-cleaners for decades. See her album of current cleaners Agni, Lola, & Jolie, and of other “valiant souls” who have cleaned the disks over the years.