Land Regeneration

Buddha Garden is a ten acre farm in Auroville that was set up in 2000. We grow mainly vegetables and fruit which is an intensive process and until recently most of our energy went on doing that. But there was a part of Buddha Garden which over the years we tried, and failed, to use productively. This article is about how we found a way of integrating this land into our food growing activities.


Acres for Auroville has enabled Auroville to acquire over 8 acres of urgently-needed land in just one year. The campaign’s new Phase 3 now targets missing priority land in all of Auroville’s Master Plan area. See our new video on YouTube and share the link – the need is urgent and the time is NOW!

The Inauguration Ceremony-15/08/ 2016

The new Secretary of the Auroville Foundation, Thiru Mohan Chunkath was present as the Special Guest for the inauguration of Phase 3 of the “Acres for Auroville” land campaign and the second year of the “GreenAcres” campaign on August 15th at Auroville’s Town Hall. The occasion also marked the second phase of the “Art for Land” action. Secretary Chunkath’s brief talk and his warm goodwill honoured the occasion!

Acres for Auroville Flier – 15/08/2016

Auroville began with Sri Aurobindo’s great vision, the Mother’s dream, and with land! The earth of 124 nations and regions of India were put together into the urn along with the Auroville Charter. Auroville was born in a concrete act of intention, hope, and new promise! For the Mother, Matter was the vital substance in which she placed her force and Auroville’s land was the house she intended for the new Force and Consciousness so ‘that Heaven might native grow on mortal soil’…

Green Acres flyer 15 August 2016

Auroville’s success in ecology, afforestation and organic farming, is one of the most visible signs to the world of its progress and evolution. For decades, greenworkers expected that coexistence and collaboration through projects with the village landowners who farmed the traditional ecological way would create an eco-zone regardless of ownership.

LFAU Letter – 15/08/2016

Auroville is here to pave the way for the final victory of Sri Aurobindo – in the Mother’s words, the victory of all that is “good and great and compassionate and Divine”. Hence, a consolidated and unified physical base for Auroville means a consolidated and unified field of action for implanting Sri Aurobindo’s uplifting vision for humanity. This is the aspiration of the A4A campaign. Join us as we kick off our enlarged PHASE 3 action on the 15th of August for the City of Dawn’s missing land!

Green Acres Flier – 15/08/2016

The GreenAcres campaign aims at securing 20 plots crucial for the immediate future of the Auroville’s Greenbelt. One year of the campaign now makes a first acquisition possible – but this can be but a beginning step! Today, 60% of the Greenbelt surrounding the City Area – and protecting it – still needs to be purchased. Join us to get this precious land now!

Art for Auroville Land Auction & New Dedicated Website

a dedicated website with an online sales facility is nearing completion for ART FOR AUROVILLE LAND. It will offer the over 60 donated works to date – with more being contributed on an ongoing basis – to an audience radiating out from Auroville to the international web of Auroville friends and well-wishers. Enthusiasm and generosity – from Auroville & Ashram artists and from buyers – has been most encouraging!

Green Acres Update – July 2016

GreenAcres started off just a year ago as a campaign for 20 priority plots in the Greenbelt. We are happy to announce that a tiny bit more of Auroville will manifest with the donations which have come in! This update is meant to encourage all of Auroville’s friends to promote GreenAcres with their green contacts in India and abroad to develop support for Auroville’s ecological work from like-minded organizations and potential donors!

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