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Lands for Auroville Unified Darshan Letter- 21 February 2017


February – a Special Month

February is a special month for Auroville and for the new creation upon earth. It was in this month, on the 21st in 1878, that the Mother was born; in this month, on the 29th in 1956, the universal descent of the supramental force took place; and again in this month, on the 28th in 1968, Auroville was founded.

Sri Aurobindo: “The Mother comes to bring down the supramental and it is the descent which makes her full manifestation here possible.”

With reference to the supramental descent of 29th Feb. 1956, The Mother wrote – revising into the present tense what she had first written in the future tense in her diary decades earlier:

“Lord, thou hast willed and I dost execute

A new light breaks upon the earth

A new world is born

Things that were promised are fulfilled”

Subsequently, on 1st January 1969, the Mother experienced the advent of the superman consciousness which led her to write in one of her annual messages: “The world is preparing for a big change. Will you help?”
When asked what she meant by ‘the world is preparing for a big change’ and how to help it, she replied:

“It is the advent of the being that will succeed man, the being that will be to man what man is to the animal that is being prepared. And the work has already begun with the action of a new consciousness which came on the first of January 1969 and is at work in all who are ready. The action of this consciousness has intensified and is becoming more and more material. It is up to us to be receptive if we want to hasten the outcome of its action. Blessings. 1 January 1970

The words “action of this consciousness has intensified and becoming more and more material” is very relevant in the times we are living in. Auroville, seen in this light, is nothing but action of consciousness “becoming more and more material”. Taking this line of understanding further, we can say that to secure an integral material base of Auroville Universal Township, to provide the needed lands for Auroville to take shape in matter, amounts to collaborating with the “big change” the Mother described.


New Year’s card 2017 – Auroville’s 49th year!
Acres for Auroville Darshan Flier – 21 February 2017
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