The Journey Continues – A4A’s November 2021 Newsletter.pdf
Le voyage se poursuit- sommaire du bulletin A4A novembre 2021.pdf
பயணம் தொடர்கிறது – ஏ4ஏ-இன் 2021 நவம்பர் செய்திமடல்.pdf
1: A4A Flier – 24 November 2021
2: LFAU Letter – 24 November 2021
3: A New Chairman & New Governing Board, & a New IAC!
4: New Members Selected for Auroville’s Land Board!
5: Life in Auroville: Learning about Human Unity!
6: Going from Philosophy to Application in Joyful Living
7: Art for Land 2021-2021: Our New Exhibition & Events
8: More Inspiring Quotes – 24th November 2021
Dear friends and well-wishers of Auroville,
Sri Aurobindo’s ideals have inspired and guided the lives of so many people from all around the world – providing a vision of human possibility and a context for understanding the evolutionary changes and upheavals we are witnessing. More than anything, his vision and the Mother’s work provide a compass towards the future for us all. “The City at the service of Truth”, Auroville is a concrete stepping stone for fostering and creating new models for the future.
The Acres for Auroville (A4A) land campaign was created to solidify the needed material base for this emerging City of Dawn. As a collaborative action between the Auroville-based LFAU and the worldwide centers of Auroville International, it continues to bring awareness, support and solidarity for Auroville’s essential need – its physical base. Step by step, A4A’s focus has grown from its initial goal of raising funds for land purchase around the Matrimandir and in the International Zone to its present aim of fundraising for the entire Master Plan. This support has been translated into actual purchases by Auroville’s Land Board of over 80 plots of Master Plan land to date.
The campaign has also inspired a sense of dynamic unity of purpose accompanied by acts of nobility and generosity, as we together contribute to actively supporting the ongoing work of long-time and new Aurovilians.
We are very pleased to share the good news of the appointment of eminent leaders to the new Governing Board and its Chairman, and to the International Advisory Council, and of the selection of 3 motivated new members to Auroville’s Land Board. We also joyfully announce the upcoming new season of our very beautiful support action, Art for Land. You’ll find all of the details in our articles below.
Next year, on 15th August, while A4A will celebrate its 9th Birthday, it will be the 150th Birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo. It is our hope and prayer that by then we will be able to report to you much more success in the work we have taken up together with you as our valued contributors, friends and well-wishers.
1. A4A Flier – 24 November 2021
Sri Aurobindo’s vision and wisdom inspire us towards new heights of human possibility and hope. And they are the energy behind the creation of the Auroville International Township – the site for the foundations of this great collective ideal and practical new effort. Click here for the English, French, and Tamil versions.

2. LFAU Letter – 24 November 2021
If there is one quality that lies at the root of the selfless contributions that A4A has been receiving from friends over the last 7 years, it is nobility, and without it, collaboration, devotion and goodwill to the cause of Auroville would not exist. We are pleased to present some examples of this nobility of character and generosity for building the City of Dawn. Click here for the English, French, and Tamil versions.
3. A New Chairman & New Governing Board, & a New IAC!
More eminent people are joining the journey of Auroville with the Government of India’s announcement of a new Chairman and Governing Board (GB) and a new International Advisory Council (IAC) of the Auroville Foundation. With this new talent, we see on the horizon a new and hopeful chapter for the growth and development of Auroville. Click here for the article.
4. New Members Selected for Auroville’s Land Board!
Auroville has recently selected three dynamic Aurovilians – Raja, Satyakam, and Venkat – to serve as new members on the Land Board, joining existing members Rajavelu and Renu and re-appointed members Helena and Padmanabhan. We are happy to share this introduction to the new members, and wish all of the Land Board the best as they begin a new mandate! Click here for the article.
5. Life in Auroville: Learning about Human Unity!
Claude arrived in Auroville with the second French caravan in 1974 and Abha in 1978. Claude says “To write an article about one’s life in Auroville is not an easy proposition. Each member of the Auroville community is a unique individual, and it is on this uniqueness that we are required to build a livable human unity; this is also true for life-partners.” While from different countries and backgrounds, Abha and Claude have something profound in common, and over the decades they have together helped build Auroville. Click here for the English, French, and Tamil versions.
6. Going from Philosophy to Application in Joyful Living
After a lifetime of exploring personal transformation, consciousness research, and community living, Monique has finally become an Aurovilian. She first came to Auroville in the mid-’90s as faculty with students and has been a practicing midwife and spiritual life coach since then. Here, she shares her journey and the satisfaction of grounding the values she cherishes the most in Auroville’s red soil. Click here for the article.
7. Art for Land 2021-2021: Our New Exhibition & Events
Art for Land will hold its new cycle of beauty and solidarity for Auroville’s land with an exhibition of over 1500 donated works. Our Opening Ceremony on Sunday, January 30th at the Unity Pavilion will be followed by a month of inspiring events till 6th March, followed by more special actions in this special anniversary year. Our aim is to create a beautiful gift of resources for Land Purchase for Auroville. Join us! Click here for the article.

8. More Inspiring Quotes – 24th November 2021
Here are seven inspiring quotations of wisdom and guidance from the treasure-trove of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, as collected and presented by MirraBliss – with our gratitude for their sharing! Click here for the article.
There are many ways to make your donation. Please click here to know the details and recent changes for both foreign and Indian donors. When you donate, kindly send us a mail at or write a letter or call us (see contacts below), informing us of your donation so we can better track and immediately respond to your solidarity!
In the 8th year of the A4A campaign, we thank all the many friends
who are bringing their encouragement and solidarity
for the City of Dawn, creating a dynamic space
for the ideal of human unity to flourish and grow – a hope for us all !
Thank you for joining your hands of collaboration!
In solidarity and trust in Auroville’s bright future,
Aryadeep and Mandakini
For the Acres for Auroville team