One of the major challenges Auroville is facing today is to secure the integrity of her material foundation. The rapid and often unregulated development of nearby areas and the expansion of Pondicherry city endangers the harmonious development of Auroville. Considerable financial support is needed to consolidate remaining plots of lands that are vital for actualizing Auroville’s vision – to lay infrastructure, to create a coherent environment, to develop models of a “fairer, brighter and nobler” life that could show the way to a new India and new World.


Acres for Auroville
The ‘Acres for Auroville’ campaign works to raise resources for the purchase of still-missing priority plots of land anywhere in Auroville’s Master Plan area. A4A donations have become indispensable for the Auroville Land Board’s vital work, providing urgently-needed funds to use when and where needed – in the Matrimandir Circle, in the 4 zones of the City, and in the Greenbelt. A4A, as a collaboration of ‘Auroville International’ and ‘Lands for Auroville Unified’ is a unity action, bringing together the solidarity and enthusiasm of Auroville’s friends and well-wishers everywhere. Join us for securing Auroville’s land, the physical base for the unique vision of the City of Dawn! The need is urgent and the time is now! Read more
Green Acres
Тhe aim of the GreenAcres fundraising campaign is to raise financial resources specifically for the purchase of land in the Greenbelt of Auroville. The Greenbelt is a unique ecozone for research, development, outreach, and is a demo-site for sustainable agriculture, afforestation, soil regeneration, water conservation, alternative energy and green sustainable practices like recycling and upcycling. The Greenbelt areas complements Auroville’s urban zones and acts as a “green campus and sanctuary” buffer to the spread of Puduchery’s urbanization. The Greenbelt and its eco-projects have developed over 50 years with relevance for the wider Auroville bioregion, as well as nationally and internationally. Join us to further develop this unique eco-zone! Read more

To date, Auroville has secured half of the lands for the planned township, consisting of two major components:
- The City Area (the four zones of the urban hub surrounding the Matrimandir and its gardens)
- The Greenbelt (Auroville’s natural resource base; a showcase for sustainable practices for the bio-region, training and local green partnerships).
For the City Area, Auroville still needs to purchase 10% of the land required. In the Green Belt, the situation is less advanced with nearly 65% of land missing and yet to be secured.
Would you like to contribute? Would you like to help Auroville meet this essential challenge?
Well, there are many ways to collaborate. You can offer your time, your talent, and your creative ideas.
Auroville is a unique and growing international community located on the Coromandel coast of South India, 10 kilometers from Pondicherry. Inaugurated on 28 February 1968, 3000 people from 47 countries now reside in Auroville to realize the vision of a universal township with the aim of human unity. The founding principles are the growth of consciousness – one’s own consciousness and that of the collective, rich cultural sharing, and environmental sustainability and innovation. “Auroville is an attempt towards collective realization” wrote the Mother, the founding inspiration behind Auroville and the collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, the renowned Indian mystic philosopher and visionary of humanity’s spiritual evolution. Known as “The City of Dawn”, Auroville vision is consistently endorsed, appreciated and encouraged by UNESCO and the Government of India.
The Auroville Charter
Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But, to live in Auroville, one must be a willing servitor of the divine consciousness.
- Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.
- Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realisations.
- Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual human unity.
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