A4A – February 2024 – The Special Month Newsletter.pdf
நில நிதி திரட்டுபவர்கள் செய்திமடல் – 2024 பிப்ரவரி

1. A4A Flier – 21 February 2024
2. LFAU Letter – 21 February 2024
3. New Land for Auroville – A Record Number of New Acres
4. Thillai – My Life With Auroville, from Inception to Information
5. Art for Land Exhibition: 4th February – 5th April 2024 at Unity Pavilion
6. Inspiring Quotes – Two Texts by Sri Aurobindo
Dear friend of Auroville’s bright future,
Today is February 21st – the Mother’s 144th birthday and a week later will be the 28th of February, Auroville’s 56th birthday. Then, the day after that will be February 29th – the 16th anniversary of the descent of what Sri Aurobindo termed as “the supramental consciousness” upon earth.
The Mother had put the event in the following words:
“This evening the Divine Presence, concrete and material, was there present amongst you. I had a form of living gold, bigger than the universe, and I was facing a huge and massive golden door which separated the world from the Divine.
As I looked at the door, I knew and willed, in a single movement of consciousness, that “the time has come”, and lifting with both hands a mighty golden hammer I struck one blow, one single blow on the door and the door was shattered to pieces.
Then the supramental Light and Force and Consciousness rushed down upon earth in an uninterrupted flow.”
The above three conjunctions are the reason why we call this the “special month” newsletter.
This newsletter carries six articles of information & inspiration. One of these articles also announces good news about substantial land consolidation in the last months of 2023. We sincerely thank all the donors who have made this progress possible.
And here is a small gift – the link to the film on the staging of Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri and plays in Auroville over the years by Aryamani and her team. It documents the inner journey of understanding Sri Aurobindo through art, especially theatre, and the interior transformation of individuals who have participated in these plays. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0YL0QKdnk0.
We encourage you to spare time for going deeper into our newsletter and its articles – and thank you for your goodwill for the cause of Auroville’s consolidated land base.
With trust in Auroville’s bright future,
Aryadeep & Mandakini
The A4A team
1. A4A Flier – 21 February 2024
ACRES FOR AUROVILLE Land Campaign – February 2024
Central to the deep meaning of February’s special days is the existence of the Matrimandir – fruit of decades of devotion by so many, and a spiritual magnet for everyone. Recently, three people spoke to us about the effect of the Matrimandir. One had never been to Auroville before, one had worked on its construction many years ago and last month came back after a long absence, and one is an Aurovilian who has dedicated all the decades of her life in Auroville to the Matrimandir since its start. Our flier shares the deep feelings they expressed. Version française en pdf … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு https://land.auroville.org/
2. LFAU Letter – 21 February 2024
This year, 29th February 2024 will be the 26th anniversary of the Supramental descent. A day before on 28th February 2024, it will be the 56th anniversary of Auroville’s inauguration. At the same time, we see the acceleration of change in human life, shaking up our notions, breaking structures down, making way for something new. What this “new” will be depends a lot on us. If Auroville develops as The Mother envisioned, the soul of humanity will find an external vehicle, and the future direction of human life could proceed on the sunlit path. Version française en pdf … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு https://land.auroville.org/
3. New Land for Auroville – A Record Number of New Acres
In just the months of November and December 2023, 21 new plots totalling 19.4 acres were acquired for consolidating Auroville’s Master Plan area via purchase and exchange. Added to the plots we announced earlier in the year, this brings the total of previously-missing land added to Auroville in 2023 to a total of 29 new plots and 26.02 new acres – a record increase for land consolidation! The new land is located in 10 central parts of the City (including near the Matrimandir) as well as in 6 key Greenbelt farms and nature preserves.
4. Thillai – My Life With Auroville, from Inception to Information
We’re pleased to share the life journey of Auroville pioneer Thillai Ganapathi, presenting yet another facet of Auroville’s great diversity. Thillai was born in a bioregion community five kilometers north of Auroville, and at age nine, walked with his friends to attend Auroville’s Inauguration ceremony on 28 February 1968. After receiving his Master’s degree, he and his wife Kalai joined Auroville as teachers at New Creation school. Thillai has served on a large number of AV committees, and notably as a translator for Tamil books and texts (10 million words so far!). His family now counts 3 generations in Auroville. In English and in Tamil – பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு
5. Art for Land Exhibition: 4th February – 5th April 2024 at Unity Pavilion
Over a hundred artists have donated their creations to Art for Land whose sale proceeds are dedicated for land purchase via the Acres for Auroville campaign. It is thanks to this generosity, and the solidarity of friends who purchase their works, that AFL has made significant contributions to land consolidation over the past nine years. Also, AFL is a showcase for Auroville as a dynamic creative hub. The new current exhibition at UPAV is a most beautiful one – devoted to the theme of “Dhyanam” (Contemplation), with works of a great variety of styles. All are for viewing, and for sale ! https://land.auroville.org/

6: Inspiring Quotes – Two Texts by Sri Aurobindo
As usual, we close our bulletin with soul inspiration and nourishment for our individual and collective paths. Both texts are by Sri Aurobindo – the first is an extract from “The Divine and Undivine” – a chapter in ”The Life Divine”, and the second is the continuation of “Man, A Transitional Being”, which we began in our November 2023 issue. The common theme is an exploration of who we are and who we may become. We end with The Mother’s words: “The more we concentrate on the goal, the more it blossoms forth and becomes precise”.
There are many ways to make your donation. Please click here to know the details and recent changes for both foreign and Indian donors. When you donate, kindly send us a mail at lfau@auroville.org.in or write a letter or call us (see contacts below), informing us of your donation so we can better track and immediately respond to your solidarity!
Now starting the10th year of the A4A campaign, we thank all the many friends
who are bringing their encouragement and solidarity
for the City of Dawn, creating a dynamic space
for the ideal of human unity to flourish and grow – a hope for us all !
Thank you for joining your hands of collaboration!
In solidarity and trust in Auroville’s bright future,
Aryadeep & Mandakini & Jothi
The Acres for Auroville team
LFAU (Lands for Auroville Unified), +91 413 2622657, Town Hall, Auroville, 605101, India
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LFAU (Lands for Auroville Unified), +91 413 2622657, Town Hall, Auroville,, 605101, India
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