Inspiring Quotes – Certitude, Faithfulness, Transformatio, Victory.Pdf
Many important messages were given by The Mother
through her naming and comments on the spiritual significance of Flowers
The Mother : “There is only one thing to do : to proceed on one’s way keeping one’s faith and certitude, and not bother about contradictions and denials. … One must find one’s own certitude within oneself, keep it in spite of everything and go one’s way whatever the cost, to the very end.”
From The Mother’s Flower Messages :
Assured and calm, it never argues
Unostentatious Certitude
It does not attract attention or try to convince anyone.
Sri Aurobindo : “When I spoke of being faithful to the light of the soul and the divine … I was simply affirming the great need in all crises and attacks, – to refuse to listen to any suggestions, impulses, lures and to oppose to them all the call of the Truth, the imperative beckoning of the Light. .. I will endure through all tests and tribulations to the very end of the divine journey. This is what I mean by faithfulness to the Light and the Call.”
The Mother : “This is faithfulness, to admit and to manifest no other movements but only the movements prompted and guided by the Divine.”
And from The Mother’s Flower Messages :
We can count on You ; You never fail us when we need You.
Incorruptible Faithfulness
Nothing can turn you away from the duty you have chosen
Peace of Integral Faithfulness
Be faithful to the Divine and you will enjoy constant peace.
Joy of Integral Faithfulness
That bond of love which makes all faithfulness so easy.
Sri Aurobindo : “If mankind only caught a glimpse of what infinite enjoyments, what perfect forces, what luminous reaches of spontaneous knowledge, what wide calms of our being lie waiting for us in the tracts which our animal evolution has not yet conquered, they would leave all and never rest till they had gained these treasures. But the way is narrow, the doors are hard to force, and fear, distrust and scepticism are there, sentinels of Nature to forbid the turning away of our feet from less ordinary pastures.”
The Mother : “It can neither be explained nor can it be foretold. It is a reversal of consciousness with effects and possibilities which cannot be formulated, or cannot be described either in words, or by man. It is this,… and one lives a million times more concretely and truly… it is this, the true transformation, – a complete transformation of all the parts of the being, of the organs, bones, tissues, cells and the exterior parts, all, all, with enormous possibilities. As soon as one attains this Consciousness full of the blossoming of an unknown perfection, many more will be revealed in a perpetual process.”
And from The Mother’s Flower Messages :
The goal of creation.
Obscurity Offers Itself to be Transformed
Obscurity tired of being obscure.
Body-Consciousness undergoing the Supramental Transformation
Solid and resolute, it faces all difficulties.
Transformation Dispels Obscurity
Obscurity will disappear more and more as the transformation progresses.
“Victory will triumph over all obstacles”
“The victory is for the most enduring.
To maintain one’s endurance in spite of all opposition,
the support must be unshakable,
and one support alone is unshakable,
that of true Reality,
the Supreme Truth.”
The Mother