Sommaire du bulletin A4A – 21 février 2023.pdf
எல்எஃப்ஏயூ-ஏ4ஏ பிப்ரவரி மாத பிறந்ததின செய்திமடல்.pdf
Auroville Charter in the Mother’s handwriting
1. A4A Flier – 21 February 2023
2. LFAU Letter – 21 February 2023
3. New Auroville Land and Consolidation in 2022!
4. My Infinite Gratitude – by Joy
5. ART FOR LAND exhibition by Pierre Legrand
6. The new Integral Yoga Talks website – by Loretta
7. A Dedicated Life – Farewell to Mahalingam
8. The Future – Messages from The Mother
Dear friend of Auroville’s bright future,
21 days before the inauguration of Auroville, on 7th February 1968, the Mother wrote the Charter of Auroville which we have reproduced above. This month marks the 55th birth anniversary of Auroville. Between the Mother’s birthday on 21st February and Auroville’s on the 28th, there is a gap of a week which is celebrated in Auroville as the Auroville Festival. Let us hope and strive that not just Auroville but the whole world will one day celebrate the week of the Auroville Festival – just as it celebrates Earth Day – in the spirit of positive enduring values for the well-being of the earth and humanity.
Acres for Auroville (A4A) aspires to provide the material base so that the Charter of Auroville manifests in matter. Thanks to your collaboration, this special campaign has added 96 acres of land for the harmonious and unified emergence of Auroville over the last nine years. Let us continue this journey till the full victory is won.
In this issue of our quarterly newsletter we bring to you once again a honeycomb of articles, a rich and encouraging dossier. We hope it will be of interest and joy to you.
With great appreciation and trust in Auroville’s bright future,
Aryadeep & Mandakini & Jothi
The A4A team

1. A4A FLIER – 21 February 2023
The Mother called us to “Come to the Future” . One very concrete way was to invite us to “the great adventure” and participate in creating the City of Dawn. Today, at least three generations have been born in this unique space for discovery, growth and creation. It is the privilege of all of us – Auroville-born and not Auroville-born – to participate in building this bridge to another age. For by building the City of Dawn, it is we who are calling the Future to come. Please click here for the flier. Version française en pdf … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு
A message by the Mother heralding the advent of the supramental
The Charter of Auroville was written on 7th February 1968, incarnating the revolutionary ideals of the City of Dawn. February 2023 now marks the 55th birth anniversary of Auroville, with its vision and striving towards a new age for humanity. The Auroville Festival takes place each year in the special week between the Mother’s birthday on 21st February and Auroville’s on the 28th. May the Auroville Festival again be a celebration of the ideals of the Charter! And may these ideals radiate out from Auroville to help revolutionize the life of humanity as a whole. Please click here for the English. Version française en pdf and பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு

3. New Auroville Land and Consolidation in 2022!
We are happy to announce that between January and December 2022, 14 new plots of previously-missing Master Plan land were added to Auroville’s physical base ! This positive progress was completely financed by the generosity of the City of Dawn’s worldwide friends as well as Aurovilians. Ten plots were added to help consolidate 5 important areas in the City area and four plots were added to or in proximity of 3 dynamic Greenbelt communities. Warm appreciation goes to the donors whose goodwill and generosity made this possible ! Take a look at the photos here!

4. My Infinite Gratitude – by Joy
Starting as a small child, Joy grew up and studied in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. In 1977 she joined Auroville, following Jean Legrand, a former Ashram School teacher, now her life partner of 45 years. After living at Aspiration, they helped found Djaima, where their daughter Anandamayi was born. Over the decades, they each and together have made significant contributions to Auroville life – Joy in myriad areas of the performing arts, and Jean as a Last School math teacher and light designer for Auroville performances. Anandamayi grew up, studied, and lives in Auroville, has performed in numerous Auroville plays, and is now a member of the AV Security Service. Joy’s story shares a rich history of Auroville’s growth and the dedicated aspirations of its pioneers. Link to the article.
5. ART FOR LAND exhibition by Pierre Legrand
We are happy to announce the current exhibition of works by Auroville artist Pierre Legrand at Auroville’s Unity Pavilion, ongoing till March 12th: « The Material and the Spiritual can influence each other to alter Life and the Environment ». Pierre is a versatile creator whose skills as an engineer combine with rich artistic talent to blend beauty, mathematics and art. His meeting with The Mother in Pondicherry in 1968 sparked his invention of a special coded script which has structured all his work. You can view and also purchase his beautiful works in support of Auroville’s land consolidation at the Unity Pavilion or at
Please click here for the full article.
6. The new Integral Yoga Talks website
Aurovilian Loretta has created an open-access, gift-economy website, which is freely available to all: with the aim of bringing the presence of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and encouraging the practice of their Integral Yoga. This wonderful resource shares text, audio and film, and notably includes an ongoing series of Auroville Radio talks on “Savitri” and talks on Mother’s “Questions and Answers”. Here we also share Loretta’s story of creating the film “The Teachings of Flowers – The Life and Work of The Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram”. Please click here to read Loretta’s story.

7: A Dedicated Life – Farewell to Mahalingam
On February 3rd, Auronet announced :”Our dear friend and brother, oldest Aurovilian Thiru Mahalingam Sangukrishna, left his body in peace at the age of 103. Indian Independence fighter, spiritual seeker, Ashramite, long-time Aurovilian, Tamil teacher at Transition School, translator of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother’s works, his life was rich and well-lived. His uniquely humble presence and old-school devotion added a special quality to Auroville’s communal life. The City of Dawn most respectfully salutes him, and will greatly miss him.” With gratitude for his presence and example, we share the article we previously published in honor of Mahalingam’s 100th birthday. Link to the article.
8: The Future – Messages from The Mother
For the New Year 2023, here is a compilation of inspiring quotes of wisdom and encouragement from The Mother about the future and us. It begins with “Let the birth of the new year be the new birth of our consciousness” and “Leaving the past far behind us, let us run towards a luminous future”. The Mother encourages us to use the past “as a spring-board to leap towards the future” for “each new dawn brings the possibility of a new progress” Hence, the flower (above) that she named “Successful Future”. For, as Sri Aurobindo wrote in Essays on the Gita, “We do not belong to the past dawns but to the noons of the future.”
here are many ways to make your donation. Please click here to know the details and recent changes for both foreign and Indian donors. When you donate, kindly send us a mail at or write a letter or call us (see contacts below), informing us of your donation so we can better track and immediately respond to your solidarity!
Now in the 9th year of the A4A campaign, we thank all the many friends
who are bringing their encouragement and solidarity
for the City of Dawn, creating a dynamic space
for the ideal of human unity to flourish and grow – a hope for us all !
Thank you for joining your hands of collaboration!
In solidarity and trust in Auroville’s bright future,
Aryadeep and Mandakini and Jothi
For the Acres for Auroville team
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LFAU (Lands for Auroville Unified), +91 413 2622657, Town Hall, Auroville,, 605101, India
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