Hermitage – afforesting canyon land
Hermitage is located on the extreme end of the Auroville “galaxy”, consisting of approximately 74 acres. Primarily canyon land, Hermitage is a starkly beautiful landscape and now home to a rich variety of wildlife. The steward of this land, Bernd, says, “When I became steward of Hermitage in 1989 there was hardly any grass cover worth the name, – let alone biodiversity in fauna and flora! Looking back, Hermitage has evolved tremendously. Stewarding this Auroville land has been so very satisfying that I would do it again. I created a forest!”
E-gifts for you – with our gratitude for your support!
Acres for Auroville Darshan Flier – 24 April 2017
Lands for Auroville Unified Letter- 24 April 2017
New Greenbelt land – thanks to your A4A donations!
Planting a forest – pioneering 1981 and 2017
From the early years til now, planting trees and forests in Auroville have been a pre-occupation -occupation for many ‘greenbelters’: plant tree saplings in the hot desert sun, green the land, create bunds to ward off rain water being washed down into the sea; engage in water and soil conservation. The result so far has been rewarding: the forest cover grew in Auroville, allowing indigenous trees species to return and with it, birds and all kinds of wild animals found their homes in the newly created green heavens.
Happy Pongal
When people cultivate with a deep connection to the land, there is a different feel to it.
In southern India, Pongal is a harvest festival celebrated to usher in the New Year and to express gratitude to everything that makes our life. Perhaps, for as long as there was land and tilling, there has been some form of harvest festival.