Acres for Auroville Meets its Fundraising Object for Phase 2!

On August 15, 2014, Acres for Auroville initiated A4A Phase 1 to fundraise for the Matrimandir Area & the International Zone. Our fundraising goal was met in one year, encouraging us to widen our aspiration and launch A4A PHASE 2: The 4 Zones of Auroville’s City Area. Now, it is our great pleasure to announce A4A’s second consecutive year of fundraising success! Our Mother’s Symbol Success Barometer is now 100% golden filled by over 300 donations!

Auroville’s First Barefoot Run – Benefits go to the GreenAcres Campaign!

The first AV Barefoot Run took place through the greenery of Auroville on Sunday April 17th with 55 runners – Aurovilians, volunteers, Ashramites, friends from Pondicherry and Chennai and even from Tirupati! The 10-kilometer route wound through Auroville’s forests, with proceeds going to the GreenAcres campaign for more land purchase and greening of Auroville’s land.

Auroville’s Land Board – Recent Activities & Successes

The Land Board is dynamic on many fronts, with a full roster of activities: negotiation for land acquisition (purchase and exchange), accurate mapping of land, updating of land records, legal issues in concert with various governmental bodies, land protection and fencing, communication. For the latest highlights, here’s a brief and impressive summary.

Acres for Auroville Flier – 24 April 2016

On April 24, 1920, the Mother arrived in Pondicherry to join Sri Aurobindo. For the next 30 years, the “united two” collaborated for the establishment of a new Consciousness for humanity and the Earth. The Mother then inaugurated Auroville to anchor this new spiritual Force in Matter and through land. As she declared: “There should be somewhere upon earth a place …”

Acres for Auroville Letter – 24 April 2016

Auroville was created to provide a ground for the spiritual consciousness of the coming future – in line with the Mother’s vision and the intention of the Indian Parliament. Acres for Auroville, and its sister campaign GreenAcres, are working to acquire the missing land for a unified, consolidated, and secure Auroville. Later will be too late – the time to do it is NOW! Join us!!

Green Column: Growing Rice in Auroville

A sense of amazing peace and unexpected joy seizes me as I walk towards the golden field in front of me, surrounded by forest, a small ariva (sickle) in hand. After the briefest of explanations how to cut and heap the mature rice stalks, I join the other harvesters in the field to do the most natural thing in the world as if I had always done it…

Launch of GreenAcres Newsletter

Our First GreenAcres newsletter with info on Auroville Green Projects and updates of GreenAcres fundraising campaign will reach you very soon! You will get to know the many facets of Farming, Forestry, Sustainable living, alternative energy and habitat.

‘Lands for Auroville Unified’ Letter – 21 February 2016

Land is the base for the Auroville vision to take root and manifest. The ‘Green Acres’ & ‘Acres for Auroville’ campaigns are acting to protect Auroville’s land from exploitative commercial interests through fundraising for land purchase now. Join this vital action for building Auroville!

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