Tency – ‘a seeker of the unseen’ – has been living and working in Auroville for more than 45 years. He started working at the Matrimandir from his arrival, is a land steward at the Center Field community, and was part of the early Auroville greening activities. He was a founding member of the CSR and is still actively involved in managing Auroville’s research organisation. His article «Glimpses from the Wonder-worker’s Hidden Hand » shares some of his Auroville adventure.


Peter, a new Aurovilian ‘finally comes home’ and describes his long, rich path to Auroville. His life has taken him across several countries – Hong Kong, Scotland, Tibet and India – including community life in Findhorn. He’s worked in gardens, publishing and as a psychotherapist. After many years of contact and experiences in Auroville, he has at last “come home” – and is now fully immersed in the richness and aspirations of Auroville life.


“The Soul of Nations: Healing and Evolution” is a newly-released book by friend of Auroville and former president of Auroville International, Wolfgang Aurose. Wolfgang has been has been studying the subject of the Soul of Nations for many years. Together with his partner Soleil, they have given many workshops in many countries on the subjective aspects of nations and the spiritual and soul dimensions of national identity in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s analyses. Available at


This August 15th inaugurates the year commemorating Sri Aurobindo’s birth 150 years ago. To initiate this special year, we asked members of Auroville and of Auroville International to share their favorite inspiring quotes from Sri Aurobindo’s writings. Not surprisingly, many of their choices have been taken from “The Human Cycle” and “The Ideal of Human Unity”, but also from “Thoughts & Aphorisms”, “Savitri” and his other poetic writings. We thank the many contributors to this rich collection of inspiration!

Greetings & Update from A4A in this Special Month of April!

April is a special month as the creation of Auroville has its roots in two significant events – the arrival of Sri Aurobindo to Pondicherry in 1910, and the definitive arrival of The Mother in 1920 to work by his side. Our A4A Flier and LFAU Letter are dedicated to these evolutionary events. You can read all our land news and reports, solidarity news and inspiring articles here. … Version française en pdf. … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு

A4A FLIER – 24th APRIL 2021

On 24th April 1920, The Mother returned to India definitively to work with Sri Aurobindo on a new manifestation for the Earth consciousness.
This landmark event was preceded by their first meeting six years earlier in March 1914. Her diary entries from that momentous week give a glimpse of her outlook and goals, and were at the basis of the creation in 1968 of Auroville, the City of Dawn. … Version française en pdf. … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு

LFAU LETTER – 24th April 2021

From a certain perspective, we, humanity as a whole, constitute a crew within a “Spaceship Earth” that’s flying to a distant goal. What goal could that be? 111 years ago, in 1910, an exceptional “crew member” – a man of destiny – came to an unknown corner of Spaceship Earth called Pondicherry in South India. His name was Sri Aurobindo and he came under what he once termed as “sailing orders”. Over the next four decades, he explored and explained the secrets and keys that throw light on the journey’s goal. … Version française en pdf. … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு

19.09 New Acres – All Thanks To Your Solidarity!

Since our last announcement, Auroville has added 19.09 new consolidating acres in five Greenbelt areas, all funded by your donations! We thank all you donors who made these purchases possible and congratulate the Land Board for these achievements. Our sincere appreciation goes to the land owners whose goodwill made these purchases happen in such a harmonious spirit. May we continue to manifest together the City of Dawn!

The Work of Auroville’s Land Board – Part 1 :

Few people realize the enormity of the work of Auroville’s Land Board. A small team of Aurovilians has the mandate for leading, organizing, and managing all of Auroville’s land protection and land purchase actions, supported by several teams working in various areas. In recognition of this immense responsibility, we are dedicating a series of articles to their work. In this first installment, we focus on what the Land Board’s mandate involves, as well as the considerable achievements made in the past 3 years.

A Big Thank You from Art for Land 2021

Here’s a happy summary by Jaya of the Unity Pavilion of the very beautiful and professional exhibition of Art for Land 2021 with its rich program of land fundraising activities. Acres for Auroville sincerely thanks all who gave their time and creativity so generously! The funds raised from the art sales and the donations at the events go for purchase of Auroville’s missing lands via the A4A campaign.

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