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Inspiring quotes from Sri Aurobindo & The Mother


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«Prayers and Meditations of the Mother», June 25, 1914


… There is always, in the dreams of the child, a kind of aspiration, which for its child’s consciousness is a sort of ambition, for something which would be beauty without ugliness, justice without injustice, goodness without limits, and a conscious, constant success, a perpetual miracle …. When a child is full of enthusiasm, never throw cold water on it, never tell him, “You know, life is not like that!” You should always encourage him, tell him, “Yes, at present things are not always like that, they seem ugly, but behind this there is a beauty that is trying to realise itself. This is what you should love and draw towards you, this is what you should make the object of your dreams, of your ambitions.”
« Collected Works of The Mother » Volume 9, page 31, July 1957


The body carries within itself the certitude of cure, the certitude that the illness or disorder is sure to disappear…. and in its spontaneous instinct, it is sure that everything will be all right. … as one grows up the thought becomes more and more distorted … and so, little by little, the body loses its trust in itself, and naturally, losing its self-confidence, it also loses the spontaneous capacity of restoring its equilibrium when this has been disturbed.
« Collected Works of The Mother » Volume 9, page 31 July 1957


A touch can alter the fixed front of Fate
A sudden turn can come, a road appear.
A greater Mind may see a greater Truth,
Or we may find when all the rest has failed
Hid in ourselves they key of a perfect change.
« Savitri » Book II, Canto 10, page 256


… when the first experience comes, which sometimes begins when one is very young, the first contact with the inner joy, the inner beauty, the inner light, the first contact with that, which suddenly makes you feel, “Oh! that is what I want,” you must cultivate it, never forget it, hold it constantly before you, tell yourself, “I have felt it once, so I can feel it again. This has been real for me, even for the space of a second, and that is what I am going to revive in myself”…. And encourage the body to seek it—to seek it, with the confidence that it carries that possibility within itself and that if it calls for it, it will come back, it will be realised again. This is what should be done when one is young. This is what should be done every time one has the opportunity to recollect oneself, commune with oneself, seek oneself.
« Collected Works of The Mother» Volume 9, 31 July 1957


We can, simply by sincere aspiration, open a door sealed within us and find that something which will change the whole significance of life, which will answer all our questions, solve all our problems and take us towards that perfection to which we aspire without knowing it, to that Reality which alone can satisfy us and give us joy and poise and force and life that are durable. …The starting point is will, to will truly, to have need of it. The next step is to think of that above all. A day comes very soon when you cannot think of anything else.That is the only thing that counts. And then you formulate your aspiration, you throw up from your heart a true prayer, expressing the sincerity of the need and then… Something will happen, it is sure that there will come something. That will take a different form for different people.
« Mother’s Collected Works Vol-7-Questions-and-Answers », Page 33


When you have these aspirations … you must cultivate within you this certitude that that is what is essentially true and that is what must be realised. Then faith awakens in the cells of the body. And you will see that you find a response in your body itself. The body itself will feel that if its inner will helps, fortifies, directs, leads, well, all its limitations will gradually disappear.
« Collected Works of The Mother » Volume 9, 31 July 1957


The body carries within itself the sense of its divinity … This is what you must try to find again in yourself if you have lost it. When a child tells you a beautiful dream in which he had many powers and all things were very beautiful, be very careful never to tell him, “Oh! life is not like that”, for you are doing something wrong. You must on the contrary tell him, “Life ought to be like that, and it will be like that!
«Collected Works of The Mother» Volume 9, 31 July 1957


… This power of formation has a great advantage, if one knows how to use it.
You can make good formations and if you make them properly … you can do a lot of good to people just by sitting quietly in your room…. If you know how to think correctly, with force and intelligence and kindness, if you love someone and wish him well very sincerely, deeply, with all your heart, that does him much good, much more certainly than you think. … If you know how to keep the right attitude and concentrate with affection and good will upon the sick person, if you know how to pray for him and make helpful formations….
Anybody can nurse a person. But not everybody can make good formations and send out forces that act for healing.
« Collected Works of the Mother » Volume V, pages 132-134*


One should grow increasingly not only attentive but receptive, with a precaution in details which would every second give one the knowledge of what should be done and how it should be done.
« Mother’s Agenda» January 18, 1967, Vol VII, page 9)


The path is long, but self-surrender makes it short;
the way is difficult, but perfect trust makes it easy.

«Mother’s Collected Works» Words of the Mother-II » Volume 14, page 108


Pierce this darkness, let light flash forth ;
Still this tumult, establish peace ;
Calm this violence, let love reign ;

Become the warrior, triumphant over obstacles ; Win the victory.

« Collected Works of The Mother » Vol.1. page 185
«Prayers and Meditations of the Mother» June 25, 1914


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