Sri Aurobindo’s Message to America

Sri Aurobindo’s message on the unity of the West and East continues: “It has been customary to dwell on the division and difference between these two sections of the human family and even oppose them to each other; but, for myself I would rather be disposed to dwell on oneness and unity …. There is a common hope, a common destiny, both spiritual and material, for which both are needed as co-workers.” In our time, we see the complete relevance of his words and the profound need for his inspiring vision!

Kriya Youth Community – Space for new housing thanks to you!

Thanks to your solidarity, the City of Dawn now hosts 26 new housing units for Auroville’s youth, all built on new Auroville land that was purchased with your donations to Acres for Auroville! Known as the Kriya community, it responds to an urgent need for affordable youth housing, providing 14 single units, 6 family houses, 6 couple units, and a community kitchen for up to 50 residents. Kriya has quickly become a thriving new community, full of energy and youthful enthusiasm. Take a look at what your donations have enabled!

​Ed – an early Aurovilian

Ed joined Auroville in 1978, and was an innovative pioneer, working at the Matrimandir and then in greenwork at the Forecomers community: “Auroville was then essentially a number of disassociated blocks of land. Settlements were scattered all over the plateau. And, like the land we lived on, most Aurovilians were in basic survival mode. We had to provide shelter, food, water and a social connectivity for ourselves without any form of phone or electronics… eventually I was captured by the utter necessity and delightful challenge of Greenwork.”

Joël – a newcomer working for unity

“Auroville has been a wonderful new home for me for the last 3 years, a place where practically everything seems possible. Since the joy of creativity is a big part of who I am, Auroville is ‘my place’ – it gives us immense scope for contributing and self-fulfilment. And there’s the satisfaction of being part of a community. But it’s not just any community! In Auroville, we have an overarching goal. I really feel that we all came here to make a difference for the development of unity…”


The task before the first Aurovilians was to reclaim the eroded land and plant the seeds of the future. In the endless progression of Auroville, we are all pioneers continuing the adventure!


“Auroville will be the site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual Human Unity”. The City of Dawn’s high aspiration incarnates the deep sense of what we can live and be.

Welcoming Auroville’s Newcomer Pioneers!

The City of Dawn’s new pioneers keep coming each year! Rakhal is one of the “oldtimers” who co-facilitates the “Yucca Program” Initiation Week. Rakhal shares his experience of welcoming Auroville’s newcomers.

Positive news from Acres for Auroville

In February 2019, the special 50th anniversary year came to a happy close and Auroville’s 51st year began! We celebrate this landmark transition with a positive news round-up celebrating courage and vision.

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