Land Fundraiser Bulletin Summary – 24 November 2023.pdf
Bulletin A4A du 24 novembre 2023.pdf
நிலநிதி திரட்டுவோர் செய்திமடல்– 24 நவம்பர் 2023.pdf

1. A4A Flier – 24 November 2023
2. LFAU Letter – 24 November 2023
3. Louis – The Mother’s Unshakeably Optimistic Builder
4. Doris and Sangha, A Mother-Son Team working for Auroville
5. AVI USA – An Ever-dynamic Support For Auroville
6. Matrimandir and I – a new Auroville WEB SERIES from Aurora’s Eye Films
7. Inspiring Quotes – Two Texts by Sri Aurobindo
Dear friend of Auroville’s bright future,
Auroville can rightly be called a volunteer-based initiative. One willingly offers one’s life, work, talent, resources for the service and progress of the larger community with a view to actualise a vision. “Auroville is the attempt towards collective realisation” reads one of the answers of the Mother on Auroville. The scope of the words “volunteer” and “attempt towards collective realisation” need not and should not be limited to those who live in Auroville. All Auroville International Centers, all committed friends and associates and donors are volunteers trying for a “collective realisation”. We can even extend this view and say that those who live in Auroville are just caretakers of something that belongs to the entire forward-looking and aspiring humanity. From this perspective, it can even be said that the core of Auroville stands for the soul of humanity. By the soul of humanity, we mean all that is lofty and noble and good and beautiful in the life of humanity.
“Acres for Auroville” is a also volunteer campaign. It was started in August 2014 and now in its tenth year, it continues to provide indispensable financial support for securing plots of land that have been designated for the planned township area. As we send this mail, a significant number of new plots are being finalized and officially registered by Auroville’s Land Board. In our next newsletter we will be able to share the positive and encouraging details!
All this is possible, it goes without saying, thanks to the committed contributors, or shall we say, committed volunteers like you. We are at times amazed by the selfless commitment of so many of you for the harmonious development of Auroville. We know that it is the beauty of the soul that expresses itself when you selflessly and generously send your contributions.
Happy Darshan to all!
Aryadeep & Mandakini & Jothi
The A4A team
Postscript: 1: Thanks to the offer of friends of Auroville, AVI USA is holding its annual matching funds campaign starting December 1st, where your donations to A4A will be matched by an equal donation (it’s best to donate fast to be able to double your contribution – the total for each specified Auroville project is $2500). Link for participation in the matching programme https://give.aviusa.
Postscript 2: In February 2024, the Auroville Marathon will start up again, and you can make a donation to A4A by sponsoring a Marathon runner. This way you can also express your appreciation for those who run for the Auroville land task. Link to contributing
Postscript 3: Lastly, we remind our foreign donors that new government regulations now discourage sending donations by check or via the Auroville Gateway. The best ways now are by bank transfer or via an AVI center. Please see our post “New Banking Information”:
1. A4A Flier – 24 November 2023
On November 24th, 1926 Sri Aurobindo announced the advent of a major transformative step in his integral yoga of individual and societal evolution. This profound experience was the landmark moment in his path, and the turning point that launched the next step – leading to the founding of the Ashram, and then of Auroville. On this evolutionary goal, Sri Aurobindo wrote: “Man is a transitional being; he is not final….He must discover and release the spiritual godhead within him … struggling into emergence out of the original plasm that imprisoned it since began the mystery of terrestrial Nature”. Since 1968, Auroville has existed as a special dynamism and space dedicated to this evolutionary progress. Link for the flier as well its its French and Tamil Versions (Version française en pdf. … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு)
2. LFAU Letter – 24 November 2023
Auroville plays a key role in giving a concrete form to Sri Aurobindo’s great vision of “The creation of a new world, a new humanity, a new society expressing and embodying the new consciousness”. It is “a collective ideal that calls for a collective effort so that it may be realised in the terms of an integral human perfection.… harmony between soul and body, spirit and nature, heaven and earth, in the collective life of mankind”. For the past 10 years, the Acres for Auroville land campaign has played a dynamic role in helping to manifest the vision and the goal by raising the needed funds for completing the International Township’s designated physical base. Link for the English as well as its French and Tamil versions (Version française en pdf. … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு)
3. Louis – The Mother’s Unshakeably Optimistic Builder (Un Bâtisseur pour Mère d’un optimisme infatigable)
Louis came to Auroville from France in January 1971 with the goal of delivering spare parts for the vehicles of the mythic « Caravan » … and then moving on. Instead he stayed on, participating in the development of Auropolyester and working on the digging and building of Matrimandir from the start till the end. A close associate and friend of Roger Anger, Louis has played a major role in the construction of Auroville’s most important residential and service buildings over the decades. He says “I would like to tell those who read this testimony about my JOY for being in Auroville and for constructing The Mother’s City. This joy has never left me.” We are very happy to present Louis’s story in English and in French.
4. Doris and Sangha: A Mother-Son Team Working for Auroville
Doris, from the rainbow, multi-ethnic island of Mauritius, began her love story with India in 1993. Then in 2004, she came to Repos Beach in Auroville as an investigative reporter for an Indian media company. There she met AV pioneer Bhaga who became a teacher for her. Since that time, Doris regularly came to Auroville, and worked as a volunteer in the Matrimandir Gardens. Now an official Auroville Newcomer, Doris is the caretaker of the Unity Pavilion building and grounds. She has been joined by her son, Sangharakshit, a volunteer. In this article, Doris shares special moments of joy, learning and intensity from their work at Unity Pavilion’s many events, including Art for Land. She says: “Sangha and I are both deeply happy to serve the ideal of human unity”.
5. A New “Art for Land” Exhibition: 13 August – 17 September
The very first international Auroville support organization to be officially incorporated was the ‘Auroville Association’, set up in California in 1973. Spearheaded by six American future-forward devotees, the purpose was “to support projects within the city of Auroville in India” and it received a non-profit status from the US Internal Revenue Service. Then international support for the new township grew in 1983 when ‘Auroville International’ was incorporated in the Netherlands and the American association joined it as AVI-USA. For 40 years, AVI-USA has acted as a dynamic, innovative support for Auroville – raising funds for essential and creative AV projects, and sharing ideals, news, and events with an international audience through an ever-growing variety of positive means and media.
6. Matrimandir and I – a new Auroville Web Series from Aurora’s Eye Films
Serena and the Aurora’s Eye team are happy to introduce their web series “Matrimandir & I” presenting Auroville and its soul and symbol of unity, the golden Matrimandir. For the past 40 plus years, Matrimandir’s progress to completion has been followed by many people, in many places, and in various ways. This Web series is a human experiment, looking into how Aurovilians relate to the Matrimandir, their personal experiences with it, their goals for personal and spiritual development, and for the development of the township. To date, ‘Matrimandir and I’ has presented the experiences of over 20 Aurovilians, with a new film released each month. “Our dream is to interview all the citizens of Auroville. We aspire that this action will be part of the common ground for human unity.”
7. Inspiring Quotes – Two Texts by Sri Aurobindo
“Man’s greatness is not in what he is, but in what he makes possible”. Sri Aurobindo wrote extensively on his vision of human evolution, the destiny of humankind, and of our role in a growing spirituality and change for the Earth. In this article, we share two of his seminal texts: his essays “The Hour of God” and the first part of “Man, a Transitional Being” (which will be continued in our February 2024 newsletter). Written at the start of the 20th century, these texts retain their full force of relevance today: “All insincerity of nature, once thy defense against the eye of the Master and the light of the ideal, becomes now a gap in thy armour and invites the blow” and particularly for the now turbulent times in which we live, for “… it is the hour of the unexpected.”
There are many ways to make your donation. Please click here to know the details and recent changes for both foreign and Indian donors. When you donate, kindly send us a mail at or write a letter or call us (see contacts below), informing us of your donation so we can better track and immediately respond to your solidarity!
Now starting the10th year of the A4A campaign, we thank all the many friends
who are bringing their encouragement and solidarity
for the City of Dawn, creating a dynamic space
for the ideal of human unity to flourish and grow – a hope for us all !
Thank you for joining your hands of collaboration!
In solidarity and trust in Auroville’s bright future,
Aryadeep & Mandakini & Jothi
The Acres for Auroville team
LFAU (Lands for Auroville Unified), +91 413 2622657, Town Hall, Auroville, 605101, India
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LFAU (Lands for Auroville Unified), +91 413 2622657, Town Hall, Auroville,, 605101, India
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