Latest news from Auroville’s LAND FUNDRAISERS
A4A’s “50th Birthday land gift” video now has music!
‘Acres for Auroville’ Flier – August 15, 2017
‘Lands for Auroville Unified’ Letter – August 15, 2017
New ‘A4A’ presentation on VIMEO for Auroville’s 50th!
10.36 new acres for the Greenbelt and recognition for A4A’s work!
Developing Auroville’s biggest farm
Hermitage – afforesting canyon land
Hermitage is located on the extreme end of the Auroville “galaxy”, consisting of approximately 74 acres. Primarily canyon land, Hermitage is a starkly beautiful landscape and now home to a rich variety of wildlife. The steward of this land, Bernd, says, “When I became steward of Hermitage in 1989 there was hardly any grass cover worth the name, – let alone biodiversity in fauna and flora! Looking back, Hermitage has evolved tremendously. Stewarding this Auroville land has been so very satisfying that I would do it again. I created a forest!”