In this newsletter, in addition to our A4A flier and LFAU letter, we present fascinating profiles of two young people in Auroville -one is Aurovilian Navanitha, born in nearby Nadukuppam, whose parents are longtime Aurovilians, and the other is Anita -a Newcomer from Zahedan, Baluchistan (part of modern-day Iran). We also cover the news of the latest edition of the Art for Land Exhibition and the three solidarity gifts that A4A has received. Our Inspiring Quotes this time presents a perspective on spiritual life and progress with an extract from Sri Aurobindo’s book “The Human Cycle”. All of this testifies to Auroville’s continuing creative energy, cultural diversity and future-oriented vision! The newsletter summary appears in French and Tamil: Version française en pdf … பிடிஎஃப்பில் தமிழ்ப் பதிப்பு