Matrimandir and City Centre
The Soul of a City

The Peace area contains the Matrimandir, its 12 gardens, the Banyan Tree, the Amphitheatre and the Urn, the tall trees on the periphery, and the planned lake.

The Matrimandir will be the soul of Auroville A place … for trying to find one’s consciousness
The Mother
At the very centre of Auroville stands the Matrimandir, a magnificent golden sphere whose elegant architectural form symbolises the birth of a new consciousness. The Sanskrit word “Matrimandir’ means “Temple of the Mother” referring to the evolutionary, conscious and intelligent principle of Life which leads the human journey from its present limitations into the next stage of its evolutionary adventure.
Matrimandir is the fruit of the dedicated work and aspiration of numerous hands and hearts for nearly 4 decades. Its spacious inner meditation chamber is a haven of white silence. In the Chamber’s centre sits a pure crystal globe whose radiating light is the symbol of future realisations.The Inner Chamber is devoid of images, organised meditations, flowers, incense, religion or religious forms. The Mother, who saw this inner chamber in a vision, regarded it as “the central Force of Auroville, the cohesive Force of Auroville” and the “symbol of the Divine’s answer to man’s aspiration for perfection.”
The Matrimandir Gardens are regarded as important as the building itself in the sense that each garden is meant to manifest a specific quality of consciousness. The gardens are divided into 12 individually named parks, representing and reflecting the 12 powers of the Divine Mother. Each garden has its own variety of flowers, shrubs, trees, and ponds. Several of the gardens are already completed and the work for the others is in ongoing..
Further details of the Matrimandir Gardens:

Administrative Zone (City Centre)
The City Centre is meant to provide a space for governance and administration of Auroville. Besides it also offers a base for residential complexes. Currently, the City Centre contains:
- The Town Hall with the offices of the Working Committee, Housing Board, Financial Service, Land Board, L’avenir (Town Planning), Entry Board, Residents Services, Music and Video Library etc.
- Auroville Foundation Bhavan
- The headquarters of the Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research (SAIIER)
- Auroville Archives
- Mitra Youth Hostel
- Residential complexes such as Citadines, Inspiration, Sunship
- Volunteer capsules known as La Maison des Jeunes
Photos of Matrimandir and the City Centre