Donors » A4A » LFAU LETTER – 21 FEBRUARY 2025




Auroville Centre for Urban Research, Administrative Area,

  Auroville – 605101, Tamil Nadu, India


LFAU Letter – 21 to 28 February 2025.pdf

Lettre de LFAU – 21 – 28 février 2025.pdf

எல்எஃப்ஏயு செய்திமடல் – 21 பிப்ரவரி 2025.pdf


21st February The Mother’s Birthday – 28th February Auroville’s birthday!

Birthdays are connected with the body, with the physical appearance or manifestation on earth but behind this bodily birth, this physical appearance, there is a vaster invisible geography where the souls, the psychic beings are born. The latter dates back to immemorial times and are part and even propellers of the evolution on earth. In the context of the birth of Auroville, its body and the physical advent of Auroville took place as we know, on the 28th of February 1968, but in the vaster invisible geography, Auroville was born much before.

Sonia Dyne, an early friend of Auroville, wrote in a research article “The Origins of Auroville”: “There are indications that the origins of Auroville, as a concept of the Mother, can be traced back to a remote past. On several occasions the Mother herself spoke of earlier incarnations in ancient Egypt. It is not surprising then that comparisons have been made between Auroville and the ‘City of the Horizon’ built by Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) in Upper Egypt around 1369-75 BC. This city was remarkable in its conception and had a profound effect upon human consciousness in its place and time. The old gods of Egypt and their elaborate rituals were abolished in favour of a form of worship of the sun’s disk seen as the symbol of life-giving energies that, unlike the old gods, were never represented in any human or animal shape. Like Auroville, Akhenaton’s new city was dedicated to the service of Eternal Truth (Ma’ at.”

There is also a striking similarity between the Auroville Charter and an inscription discovered at Ahkenaton’s city:“Here is the place that belongs to no prince, to no god. Nobody owns it. This is everybody’s place. The earth will find joy in it. Hearts will be happy in it.”

More than three thousand years later, on February 7, 1968, The Mother defined the Charter of Auroville in strikingly similar terms when she wrote:

“Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. ….Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future…”

In fact, after completing the four-point Charter of Auroville, which is regarded as a “revolution”, the Mother remarked: “It is not I who wrote that. I noticed something so interesting: it comes as an imperative, there’s no discussion; I write it down, I HAVE TO write, whatever I do. And then, when it’s gone it’s gone! Even if I try to remember, it’s gone! So it is clear that it does not come from here: it comes from above.”

The birth of Auroville 57 years ago was the physical manifestation of an aspiration which has been shimmering in the conscience of humanity ever since men “first began to think of individual perfection and a perfect society”, to quote Sri Aurobindo’s words from his 15th August message on the occasion of India’s Independence.

“Acres for Auroville” (A4A) for the consolidation of Auroville’s land – and all that serves the cause of Auroville, -are not just serving the physical manifestation of Auroville, but, in fact, are serving something much deeper, much more profound.

With trust in Auroville’s bright future,

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