News » 18 Acres- Herbert

18 Acres- Herbert

herbertDear All,

We are all more or less aware of the urgent priority to acquire the remaining land located in the master plan area to complete the physical basis for AV. But funds for purchase are limited. For this reason priority categories have been made to select land which is offered for sale. Beside sunlight, air and water, food is a component, which we can’t categorize as a 2nd priority for our needs to keep the body alive. At present the whole world including Tamil Nadu drifts towards a general food availability crisis. Therefore AV has to grow its food on land that invites doing so.

Since a few months ago a brilliant opportunity has shown up on the desk of the Land Board, which so far has not been acknowledged by the community at large. A piece of land of 18 acres has been offered for sale, which is located in the traditional paddy growing area of Irumbai, and water from the rain-water-catchment-tank {Irumbai Lake} secures the irrigation for 5-6 months per annuml. Additionally a large open well and an agriculture bore well are ready for backing up the irrigation. These 18 acres allow large-scale basic food agriculture, which AV so badly requires for its future existence.

Grains and rice supply from AV farms have not even reached 25% of the present demand but everybody speaks about doubling AV’s citizens up to 5,000. This approach is needed – AV has to grow – but supply of basic food items from AV farms have also to increase. At present funds for AV’s food security development are alarmingly low.Herbert-2

Town development means also to show responsibility to develop existing farms to maximum productivity, purchase high potential agriculture land and build up new farms. To stop or slow down land purchase in the Greenbelt following an explicit policy carries the tremendous risk of creating irreversible damage for AV’s development. A refined process for land purchase has to be implemented, which shows responsibility for AV’s food security, water shed protection etc…

Since AV belongs to Humanity as a whole, governments all around the globe should be addressed to help with funding requests to secure the remaining non-AV lands in the City and the Greenbelt.

With concern for the near future,


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